Writing an Async Runtime
Oct. 24th, 2024Introduction #
While working on zzz, I thought about how I would trigger asynchronous events when already operating in an asynchronous context. An easy way to think about this is making a database call while inside of an HTTP request handler. Our response depends on this database call but we don't want to block execution on our thread while this query resolves.
As I wrote about earlier, Zig doesn't have any async primitives in the language. As a result, this style of execution was not supported by zzz's event loop and requires some higher level management of execution.
A language with async/await
will automatically handle this case for you in some pretty interesting ways[1][2]. This allows your asynchronous code to look like synchronous code. The example below will fetch a set of items from a database and then generate an HTML fragment using a template that depends on this list of items. Behavior like this is currently impossible in zzz.
pub async fn get_store_items(
Extension(db): Extension,
query: Option>,
) -> impl IntoResponse {
let Query(query) = query.unwrap_or_default();
let Ok(items) = sqlx::query_as!(
SELECT id, name, price, thumbnail_url
FROM items
ORDER BY entry_date DESC
(query.page * query.per_page) as i64,
query.per_page as i64,
else {
return (StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, Html("".to_string()));
debug!("Store Items: {items:?}");
let template = ItemsTemplate {
items: items.into_iter().map(|item| item.into()).collect(),
(StatusCode::OK, Html(template.render().unwrap()))
Note: This pattern is a pretty common occurance and benefits greatly from async/await.
Asynchronous I/O #
The nice thing about having built zzz first is that I already had a good foundation of asynchronous I/O to work off of. This asynchronous I/O provides the functionality for interacting with the filesystem and the network, by providing various queue operations.
Currently, there are three supported asynchronous backends, io_uring
, epoll
, and busy_loop
. The first two provide support for Linux systems while the busy_loop
implementation supports Linux, Mac and Windows. There is also support for custom asynchronous I/O backends that can be passed in at compile time.
pub fn queue_open(
self: *AsyncIO,
task: usize,
path: []const u8,
) !void {
const uring: *AsyncIoUring = @ptrCast(@alignCast(self.runner));
const borrowed = try uring.jobs.borrow_hint(task);
borrowed.item.* = .{
.index = borrowed.index,
.type = .{ .open = path },
.task = task,
.fd = undefined,
_ = try uring.inner.openat(
Above is an example of queuing a file open with the Asynchronous backend. This code operates within the io_uring
backend. We utilize a pool of Job items that allow us to track which action completed later on when we reap events. We borrow from the pool and set a variety of parameters.
There are a variety of other methods that operate in a similar way that have been omitted for brevity but they all handle various operations you want with files or the network.
The important part of this asynchronous I/O system is that it allows us to queue various events and then handle them later when they complete. This reaping behavior will be used later to manage tasks. This callback approach is instrumental in building our runtime as it allows us to creatively interleave different tasks.
Adding a Scheduler #
Now that we have a way to queue asynchronous I/O events and defer handling the result, we will build a scheduler. This will be a fairly simple scheduler that will run tasks to completion.
pub fn run(self: *Runtime) !void {
while (true) {
// Bitset that tracks the currently runnable tasks.
var iter = self.scheduler.runnable.iterator(.{ .kind = .set });
while (iter.next()) |index| {
const task: *Task = &self.scheduler.tasks.items[index];
assert(task.state == .runnable);
const cloned_task: Task = task.*;
task.state = .dead;
try self.scheduler.release(task.index);
// Run the task.
@call(.auto, cloned_task.func, .{
}) catch |e| {
log.debug("task failed: {}", .{e});
// Submit any Async I/O events that were queued.
try self.aio.submit();
// Only wait for I/O if we have no more runnable tasks.
const wait_for_io = self.scheduler.runnable.count() == 0;
log.debug("Wait for I/O: {}", .{wait_for_io});
// For any completions that are generated, we want
// to set the linked task to runnable.
const completions = try self.aio.reap(wait_for_io);
for (completions) |completion| {
const index = completion.task;
const task = &self.scheduler.tasks.items[index];
assert(task.state == .waiting);
task.result = completion.result;
// End execution when we have no more runnable tasks.
if (self.scheduler.runnable.count() == 0) {
log.err("no more runnable tasks", .{});
When all of the currently runnable tasks have been run, we will have an opportunity to reap all of the Async I/O events that have completed. With all of these completions (completed I/O events), we can now run any tasks that are dependent on it.
This runtime provides us the ability to spawn tasks as runnable (think green thread) and it also allows us to spawn tasks as .waiting
, meaning that it gets to run once the linked I/O event completes. This linking behavior is central to the design of this runtime and effectively creates a runtime that yields on I/O bounds.
TCP Echo Example #
An easy way to do a proof of concept is to write a program that uses TCP to echo. Below will be an example program that will:
- Create a Socket
- Accept on the Socket
- Set the accepted Socket to non-blocking
- Recv on that Socket
- Send back what was received
- Repeat
const std = @import("std");
const log = std.log.scoped(.@"tardy/example/echo");
const Pool = @import("tardy").Pool;
const Runtime = @import("tardy").Runtime;
const Task = @import("tardy").Task;
const Tardy = @import("tardy").Tardy(.auto);
const Cross = @import("tardy").Cross;
const Provision = struct {
index: usize,
socket: std.posix.socket_t,
buffer: []u8,
fn close_connection(provision_pool: *Pool(Provision), provision: *const Provision) void {
log.debug("closed connection fd={d}", .{provision.socket});
fn accept_task(rt: *Runtime, t: *const Task, _: ?*anyopaque) !void {
const server_socket = rt.storage.get("server_socket", std.posix.socket_t);
const child_socket = t.result.?.socket;
try Cross.socket.to_nonblock(child_socket);
log.debug("{d} - accepted socket fd={d}", .{ std.time.milliTimestamp(), child_socket });
try rt.net.accept(.{
.socket = server_socket,
.func = accept_task,
// get provision
// assign based on index
// get buffer
const provision_pool = rt.storage.get_ptr("provision_pool", Pool(Provision));
const borrowed = try provision_pool.borrow();
borrowed.item.index = borrowed.index;
borrowed.item.socket = child_socket;
try rt.net.recv(.{
.socket = child_socket,
.buffer = borrowed.item.buffer,
.func = recv_task,
.ctx = borrowed.item,
fn recv_task(rt: *Runtime, t: *const Task, ctx: ?*anyopaque) !void {
const provision: *Provision = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx.?));
const length = t.result.?.value;
if (length <= 0) {
const provision_pool = rt.storage.get_ptr("provision_pool", Pool(Provision));
close_connection(provision_pool, provision);
try rt.net.send(.{
.socket = provision.socket,
.buffer = provision.buffer[0..@intCast(length)],
.func = send_task,
.ctx = ctx,
fn send_task(rt: *Runtime, t: *const Task, ctx: ?*anyopaque) !void {
const provision: *Provision = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx.?));
const length = t.result.?.value;
if (length <= 0) {
const provision_pool = rt.storage.get_ptr("provision_pool", Pool(Provision));
close_connection(provision_pool, provision);
log.debug("Echoed: {s}", .{provision.buffer[0..@intCast(length)]});
try rt.net.recv(.{
.socket = provision.socket,
.buffer = provision.buffer,
.func = recv_task,
.ctx = ctx,
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const size = 1024;
var tardy = try Tardy.init(.{
.allocator = allocator,
.threading = .single,
defer tardy.deinit();
const host = "";
const port = 9862;
const addr = try std.net.Address.parseIp(host, port);
const socket: std.posix.socket_t = blk: {
const socket_flags = std.posix.SOCK.STREAM | std.posix.SOCK.CLOEXEC | std.posix.SOCK.NONBLOCK;
break :blk try std.posix.socket(
if (@hasDecl(std.posix.SO, "REUSEPORT_LB")) {
try std.posix.setsockopt(
&std.mem.toBytes(@as(c_int, 1)),
} else if (@hasDecl(std.posix.SO, "REUSEPORT")) {
try std.posix.setsockopt(
&std.mem.toBytes(@as(c_int, 1)),
} else {
try std.posix.setsockopt(
&std.mem.toBytes(@as(c_int, 1)),
try Cross.socket.to_nonblock(socket);
try std.posix.bind(socket, &addr.any, addr.getOsSockLen());
try std.posix.listen(socket, size);
try tardy.entry(
struct {
fn rt_start(rt: *Runtime, alloc: std.mem.Allocator, t_socket: std.posix.socket_t) !void {
const pool = try Pool(Provision).init(alloc, size, struct {
fn init(items: []Provision, all: anytype) void {
for (items) |*item| {
item.buffer = all.alloc(u8, size) catch unreachable;
}.init, alloc);
try rt.storage.store_alloc("provision_pool", pool);
try rt.storage.store_alloc("server_socket", t_socket);
try rt.net.accept(.{
.socket = t_socket,
.func = accept_task,
struct {
fn rt_end(rt: *Runtime, alloc: std.mem.Allocator, _: anytype) void {
const provision_pool = rt.storage.get_ptr("provision_pool", Pool(Provision));
provision_pool.deinit(struct {
fn pool_deinit(items: []Provision, a: anytype) void {
for (items) |item| {
}.pool_deinit, alloc);
Final Thoughts #
While this style of asynchronous programming isn't as easy to grasp as async/await
, it provides the same results while providing more intimate control over what happens where and when. This implementation was tested and is performant, resulting in effectively no performance regression when used in zzz.
It was a pretty meaningful (and useful) library to build and will provide a lot of functionality to both zzz and the Zig ecosystem when it comes to programming in an asynchronous way. It has already enabled the creation of the async-in-async branch of zzz, allowing for your HTTP handlers to run asynchronously! Hopefully this runtime, now named tardy will help pave the way for future asynchronous libraries to be developed with a shared runtime.